Racing Rules of Sailing

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All games that people play have rules to assure that the competition is fair. Sailboat racing is a sport that people have enjoyed for a long time. The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) have evolved over many years to make the sport safe and fair. They are controlled by ISAF, the International Sailing Federation. Model racing uses the same rules as full-scale boats. Appendix E of the RRS slightly modifies the rules for the special needs of model racing.
Marblehead MYC requires the RRS be used in our racing. A difficulty is that some owners are intimidated by their perception that the rules are very complicated. To some degree all games have complicated rules that become clear when the game is played.
What we want to do is create a friendly atmosphere in our races that encourage learning the rules as we play the game.
View and download the RRS from the ISAF Website:

Simplified Rules

Dick Martin, CR 914 Class Secretary, has created a simple summary of the racing rules. We encourage you to print them for study and to bring to the pond. Note that one penalty turn for touching a race mark is required at Redd’s Pond for club races. Click here to download.

Rules Text Books

We recommend two books for study of the RRS. Sources are, US Sailing, etc.

  • “Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing” by Dave Perry and,
  • “Paul Elvstrom Explains the Racing Rules of Sailing”, edited by Soren Krause,